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Tracking the enabling environment for sustainable cooling

Chilling Prospects 2022

Chapter 3

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Delivering enhanced access to sustainable cooling solutions depends on a broad variety of enabling factors. This chapter of Chilling Prospects focuses on three of these factors: policy progress, financial flows, and community of practice.

Policies on sustainable cooling have made important progress since the Kigali Amendment, including national commitments in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Cooling Action Plans (NCAPs), with increased focus turning to sectoral policies that are crucial to enhancing investment.

Similarly, finance has begun to flow, and while delivery of sustainable solutions will require leadership from the private sector, public finance, including climate finance, is now working to address sustainable cooling in earnest.

Underpinning this is a growing community of practice that is displaying the benefits of collaboration and knowledge sharing given limited resources and complex problems, with new partnerships, awareness raising, and information sharing among and outside this community remaining a key need.