Wind farm

Support our work

We work in partnership with a coalition of leading donors and supporters, whose funding enables us to drive action to benefit those communities around the world that are most impacted by energy poverty and climate change.  Our donors share our belief that achieving universal access to sustainable energy lies at the heart of solving the world’s most pressing development and environmental challenges, including poverty, global warming, women’s empowerment, food security and public health.

For more on how we advocate for sustainable energy technologies and solutions in our work please refer to our energy solutions statement.  

Programme & core funding 

Our programmes receive generous support from a group of sovereign governments, philanthropies, companies and individuals.  Our programme donors receive regular updates and reports on the impact of our work, what we are learning and the status of their funding.  We are also grateful to a small group of donors that provide flexible ‘core’ funding support to our work, enabling us to respond quickly to new opportunities for impact, to innovate, and to invest in our institutional effectiveness. Based on a threshold for funding, our larger donors are invited to join our which advises our CEO and Governance Board and provides a forum for dialogue with our supporters.  

Impact of our work

We work internationally with a range of partners to support sustainable progress on energy, development and climate outcomes in concert. Learn more about the impact of our work by viewing short case studies that describe some of the initiatives we have undertaken or launched recently, how we work towards impact, and the results that we are seeing.

Official Development Assistance status 

We have been included in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) ‘List of Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible international organisations’, with core funding contributions to our work deemed as 100% ODA-eligible for the purposes of reporting on international aid spending. 

Investing in impact

When you support our work, you are helping to provide opportunities for decent work, innovations, reduced inequalities, food security, advances in health and education, and economic growth in the countries most impacted by energy poverty.

Meet our funders

Partner with us

The complexity and urgency of bringing affordable and clean energy to all by 2030 requires like-minded organizations to collaborate towards this common goal. By combining our expertise and resources with others, we maximize our potential for impact.

Meet our partners