State of the Market Report for Healthcare Facility Electrification

Healthcare electrification contributes to the improvement of health outcomes, promotes access to sustainable energy for all, fosters sustainable industrialization and innovation, and contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.

While substantial progress has been made, challenges persist, particularly in regions with weak infrastructure and limited financial resources. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 1 billion individuals across the globe currently have local healthcare facilities with an unreliable power supply. Moreover, in Sub-Saharan Africa alone, a staggering 25,000 healthcare facilities lack access to electricity entirely, while around 70,000 health centres have an unreliable electrical supply. In South Asia, 12% of healthcare facilities lack any access to electricity.

The State of the Market Report for Healthcare Facility Electrification not only presents the current state of the healthcare electrification market, but also charts a strategic roadmap towards the market’s sustainable growth. It offers an in-depth look into:  

  • Current healthcare electrification trends
  • Key challenges facing the healthcare electrification sector
  • Financing and investment needs in the sector
  • Sectoral outlook and recommendations to unlock progress on powering healthcare

This State of the Market report on healthcare electrification stands as a valuable contribution within the landscape of recent publications due to its unique bottom-up approach leveraging in-depth interviews of various stakeholders and broader sector-wide surveys.    

What sets this report apart is its foundation in SEforALL’s Powering Healthcare Intervention Heatmap and Database, which is currently the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information regarding health facility electrification covering 387 initiatives from 78 stakeholders in 89 countries. This ensures the accuracy and granularity of the analysis, offering a real-world perspective on the challenges, opportunities and best practices in healthcare electrification.