hospital healthcare

Energizing health: accelerating electricity access in health-care facilities

hospital healthcare

Energizing health: accelerating electricity access in health-care facilities is a report published by WHO, IRENA, World Bank, and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL).  

The report provides a comprehensive update on the status and key actions needed for providing reliable, modern energy to healthcare facilities in low- and middle-income countries. It describes available tools and methods for characterizing the energy requirements for healthcare facilities; identifies technical and economic considerations for electrification; estimates the amount of investment that will be needed to provide universal electricity access to health facilities; and analyses the enabling policy frameworks that create the conditions for spurring investments and accelerating electrification of healthcare facilities.  

The findings of the report are relevant for agencies responsible for or involved in the financing and planning of health system-strengthening programmes – including Ministries of Health, Energy, and Finance, Rural Energy Agencies, and planning commissions – as well as actors involved in funding and implementation of energy access solutions for health facilities. This includes development partners, investors (especially impact investors), private sector service providers, foundations and non-governmental organizations operating in the health and in energy sectors.